The Story of Me
What is dedication? Understanding your surroundings. Never giving up. Waking up every day willing to learn and grown. Being open to new experiences.
I was born in the South Bronx in the 1976. These were not always easy times. I was raised by a single Mother and a network of family & friends. Everyone worked hard and that left an impression on me.
I remember most is the community. A combination of international souls brought together by circumstance but not allowing those circumstances stop them from dreaming.
That dream stays with me. In every bar concept I develop, every wine list I build, in every team I build that dream lives.
My resume does speak for itself. Please take a look.
I am on the way to strengthen my career by becoming a certified sommelier. This pursuit can cost thousands of dollars to complete. If you would like to help copy the link the below and donate to my GOFUND me page. I would really appreciate it.
Spirits Expertise
Steward for American Distilling Institute’s Annual Judging
Judge for The San Francisco Spirits Competition
Brand Advocacy, Hotaling & Co, San Francisco
Whiskey Guide, Compass Box Scotch
Beverage Director & Hospitality Management
Foreign Cinena & Lazlo, San Francisco—Bibb Gourmand The Battery (Private Club), San Francisco Nico Modern Bistro, San Francisco—1 Michelin Star Hotel Vitale, San Francisco A16, Rockridge Blackbird, San Francisco
Commis, Oakland—2 Michelin Stars Gordon Ramsay, New York City—2 Michelin Stars The Modern, New York City—2 Michelin Stars Rich Table, San Francisco